Being Single is The Best When...

Hey there, you single vixen you. Yes, you. The one who is really owning it. The who does her own thing on her own terms. The one who doesn't take crap from anyone. The one who can leave the dishes in the sink without anyone caring. The one who can take someone home after a fun night out and not have to explain herself to anyone. The one who maybe didn't vacuum last Sunday like you should have. The one who has a garbage full of bottles that hasn't yet gone to the recycling because it's taken you THAT long to fill it up. The one who is exploring life with no side passenger. Or back seat driver. Isn't it great being single? There's a lot of talk out there, and yes, from me too, about the negativity associated with being a lone ranger. But really, it should be the time of our lives. When you start feeling lonely, or feel like "the one" is never going to cross your doorstep, remember only you can take life by the horns and make the most of it. Cliche, you...