
Such a simple word. Hello. It comes with a multitude of emotions. It can be quick and dirty, like smiling at a stranger on the street. It can be sexy and seductive, like when you pull away from an entangled embrace and look into your lover's eyes. It can come with a hundred promises or zero expectations. It can be heartwarming. It can be cold. It can be cautious, it can be insecure. It can be predictable; the norm. It comes in many languages and is expressed in many forms. But what happens when the hello is no longer a hello? What comes of that word? It turns into a sour taste in the roof of your mouth. Your Hello has just turned into a Goodbye. Goodbyes can be permanent. They can leave you longing for the days of Hello. A Hello that stops you in your tracks. Takes your breath away. A Hello than is full of magic and possibility is never aware of a darker Goodbye. They don't play on the same team. Forever challenged to a duel. But rest assured, one day your hello won't ...