I Wear My Heart On My Jersey Sleeve: Red, White, & Gold

In true Canadian spirit, I witnessed a wonderful 'Go Canada Go' moment this morning. 5am to be exact.

On Friday afternoon, I, like many other tweeters, saw our Premier Alison Redford had given the 'red light' (hockey fans know) on letting our bars open their doors at 5am and be able to have their taps flowing with golden deliciousness. Why you ask? Well if you're not Canadian, I'll explain. We are that die hard to watch our Canadian boys kick some Swedish butt for a sport we have flowing through our veins since birth. I decided to hop on that bandwagon and immediately told myself I'm going to be apart of this moment.

Before becoming single, this is something I wouldn't have done. I would have valued my sleep or, watched at home in my slippers. And I certainly would not have stuck a toque on my head and headed down 17th to meet up with people I had never met besides one other person. But why not? Why not kick-start a little adventure, and be able to say, 'I was there when....'. So I set my alarm and tried to get myself to fall asleep at a decent hour.

But this morning made getting up all the more easier once I walked into the bar with my buddy. It was packed from wall to wall of people full of red & white. Full of people coming together and enjoying a sport we love. Full of people hugging, cheering, screaming and throwing their arms up in the air. It was passionate. It was so enjoyable. We even were offered a table to sit at with this lovely Polish couple. They graciously offered up some seats since our table was pretty full that we originally were going to sit at. I wouldn't have had it any other way. Everyone was glued to the screen for 3 hours. Even the waitresses stopped taking our order as soon as we scored. Then came back to us after the madness had died off and we could hear each other speak. And since this is a blog about my single adventures, I must say for 5am this was the place to be to check out some hot men, And these were the guys with jobs, ladies. Not the other type you might meet at that hour.

This moment in my life wasn't necessarily about watching the game. It was a huge part of it and I was thrilled to be part of the action. But like most things in life, its the people. It was awe inspiring to see so many come together, hugging strangers, people offering up seats. Singing our national anthem at the top of our lungs. Oh, did I mention we won 3-0? All around good sportsmanship in the bars and out on the streets. Makes me proud to be Canadian. So I say to you all.....

Good game.


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