Valentine's Day Post Love

Another Valentine's Day has come and gone, and after the candy wrappers have been thrown out, and the flowers have wilted, are you still in love with your significant other? Or better yet, did said significant other do anything for you? It's pressure, man. Pure pink and red pressure this time of year. But for us singles? Depression.... oh c'mon, I'm only joking. But I have heard this made up holiday is also named 'Singles Awareness Day'. And yes, it does make singles very 

A couple singles and I went out for a pricey Valentine's day meal on Friday. We were comrades, singles going into battle against a day full of XOXO. We managed to enjoy our meal, the company, and of course, the wine. (And beer, and Champaign) but I couldn't help but notice that not every couple was sitting around smiling. One couple behind us was literally on their phones, chins resting in their hands, starring into the screen instead of their lovers eyes. Really? Is that the happiness us singles yearn for?

I think it's fascinating that as humans we crave love, attention, someone to share a life with. This is why online dating is so popular, and speed dating. Heck there's even a website that will hook you up with a date for lunch. We don't just crave carbohydrates. We crave an emotional connection. Someone to love us. It's as important as the air we breathe. However, I've found that vodka and friendship loves me back, too. It might not be the same kind of love, but as long as you surround yourself with the right people, you can be pretty content.

Let this holiday be a reminder to love people everyday of the year, not just the 14. And maybe, if you're single, make it about your kids, your dog, your family, or your friends. We all know love is powerful. A million songs have been written about it, institutions have laws for it, and every restaurant has a pricey lovers menu to celebrate the day. But more importantly make it a day to love yourself. That's more of what everyone could use.


  1. I felt like you were at a motivational speaking conference with that last post! I love it. I say "hear, hear!" to everything you said. Also, I prefer the background on this blog, than on the last one. Keep writing girl, you have lots of wisdom to impart! XOXOX


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